
My professional career, experiences, and skills.

Gokulselvan R

Fullstack Engineer


Experience in developing Web and Client / Server Application Using MERN technologies. Sound knowledge on Node js and React js. Able to contribute as a team player as well as an individual. Highly organized, dedicated with a positive attitude along with strong analytical and troubleshooting skills.


RRASE College Of Engineering

  • Major: Bachelor of Computer Science (GPA: 7.2/10).
  • Timeline: 2015 - 2019 (Chennai - India).

Working Experiences

FLYERSSOFT Private Limited

Chennai, April 2023 - Now

Project: Omnex

  • Description:

  • Position: Backend Developer.

  • Team size: 4.

  • Responsibilities:

    • Initialize and setup project base from scratch.
    • Design database schema.
    • Developed API's for User Management, Authenication and necessary API's which includes Organization, Plants, Shops until Sensors.
  • Technologies:

    • Back-end: NestJs, Postgres, Prisma ORM.

Project: FIDIO

  • Description:

  • Position: Backend Developer.

  • Team size: 5.

  • Responsibilities:

    • Build an API for as per the requirement.
  • Technologies:

    • Back-end: Express.Js, MongoDB.

ADSHI5 Private Limited

Chennai, November 2019 - April 2023 (3.4 Years)

Project: PhoneDash.

  • Description: Online ordering system for restaurants.
  • Position: Fullstack Developer.
  • Team size: 5.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Initialize and setup project base from scratch.
    • Design database schema based on the requirements.
    • Developed API's for User Management, Authenication, Order Management as well as integrated with Stripe, Clover, Square.
    • I had the pleasure of mentoring 3 junior development staff.
    • Liased with Backend developers, Frontend developers and CTO as needed.
  • Technologies:
    • Front-end: ReactJs, Bootstrap.
    • Back-end: JavaScript, Express.Js, MySQL, JWT.

Project: Inside RealEstate

  • Description: Website Realtors to get detailed info about the house, city, state and visualize them.
  • Position: Fullstack Developer.
  • Team size: 3.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Initialize and setup project base from scratch.
    • Participating in application development with the main role.
    • Developed API's for House, City Analysis, State Analysis as well as dashboard to show these data.
    • Developed Chatbot using Google Dialogeflow with Express.Js fulfillment.
  • Technologies:
    • Front-end: ReactJs, Bootstrap.
    • Back-end: Django, Express.Js, Postgres

Skills Highlights

  • Experience working with Back-end: Javascript, Typescript, ExpressJS, NestJS, Loopback, Flask, Restful API and GraphQL.
  • Experience working with Front-end: Html, Css, Tailwindcss, ReactJS, React Native and Bootstrap.
  • Source control: Git, Jira.
  • Hosting - GCP, AWS.
  • DevOps - Docker, Kubernates.
  • Database Management Systems: Postgres, MySQL and MongoDB.
  • Using Postman for call and test API.

Activities & Awards

  • Best Trainee - ADSHI5 Private Limited.
  • The Best Employers for Diversity - ADSHI5 Private Limited.

Last updated: Jan 2024